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My story

Woolf is a quirky tough but gentle playful and about 7 month old dog when he arrived at my gate door on February 25, 2023 malnourished, skin over bones,with an infected wound on his open fractured leg and hip. His leg had to be amputated but he is now able to walk run and play on 3 paws just fine.

He is now (Sept.'23) about 14 month old. He is a very good boy and a lovely sweet playful intelligent social affectioned dog. He is good with cats and dogs.

Woolfy lives with me in Tirana Albania in my house and garden together with 8 dogs and 6 cats.

The first 10 photos shows how Woolf currently looks like. The last photos shows how malnourished he appeared at my gate and then towards his recovery.

The YouTube video (30 minutes) shows the story of Woolf


Youtube videos